Regular Expression Recipes, by Nathan Good
I’m a regular expression junkie – I think one of the main reasons I love Perl so much is because it’s just so darn easy to go ahead and regexp either with a substitution or match to get the information I want. It certainly makes certain parts of m…
Linux Made Easy, Rickford Grant
Linux Made Easy by Rickford Grant is a companion to his original Linux for Non-geeks. Where the two differ is that this book is about how easy Linux can be for performing a myriad of tasks using a simple, skill-based approach. In this book, Rickfo…
From Bash to Z Shell by Oliver Kiddle, Jerry Peek and Peter Stephenson
Note: This review was originally published in Free Software Magazine If you use a free software operating system or environment, chances are one of your key interfaces will be through some kind of shell. Most people assume the bulk of the power of…
Linux in a Windows World by Roderick Smith
Note: This review was originally published in Free Software Magazine Linux in Windows World aims to solve the problems experienced by many system administrators when it comes to using Linux servers (and to a lesser extent clients) within an existi…
New Book Review Blog
I have a new blog totally dedicated to hosting book reviews and interviews. It takes the place of the books blog I had at LinuxWorld, which is obviously now defunct. The new site, The Writers Perspective will host all the reviews and interviews th…
Knoppix Hacks
Knoppix is not just another Linux distribution. Unlike many Linux alternatives, Knoppix doesn???t need to be installed; everything runs from a CD (called a ???Live CD??? distribution). While Live CDs aren???t unique to Knoppix, it is the way the Knoppix C…
Speed Download 3 Review
Speed Download 3 is a download manager that not only manages the gigabytes of files you download, it also simplyfies the process of filing and finding them, and can act as an upload and file sharing platform too. My review, over at The Apple Blog,…