Tag: mysql

  • MySQL University – quick survey

    MySQL University has been running for the last 18 months, and we’ve covered a wide range of topics, from the internals of MySQL right up to Amazon’s EC2, using MySQL in the Solaris/OpenSolaris Webstack and a description of the forthcoming MySQL On…

  • MySQL on i5/OS

    i5/OS doesn’t immediately strike you as the most natural environment for running MySQL, but in fact, there some advantages and benefits of making use of the hardware and i5/OS environment. The System i environment used with i5/OS is scalable, and …

  • MySQL Topics now added directly to the reference manual

    Last week I mentioned that we had added a topic-based interface to the MySQL documentation to make it easier to go to specific topics, identified either by your needs, user type or technology. It occurred to me at the end of the week that the info…

  • MySQL 5.1 Cluster DBA Certification Study Guide now everywhere

    If you want to get certified for MySQL Cluster then there is only one guide that you need, the MySQL 5.1 Cluster DBA Certification Study Guide. Since the move to Sun, we have changed the method that you can get the title. You can now order a ‘prin…

  • Wanted: GUI developer for MySQL Enterprise Monitor

    One of the great things about working on great products is that you get to meet such intelligent and interesting people. I can apply that to everybody that I work with, but there are some teams where not only are they working on great products, th…

  • MySQL Documentation by Topic

    The MySQL documentation is huge. In fact, it can sometimes be difficult to get a handle on exactly how big. The main reference manual is large by most documentation standards, the MySQL 6.0 reference manual is almost 2400 pages in length now. Keep…

  • MySQL University Sessions

    We are looking at the MySQL University session list at the moment and would like to see some more topics and ideas for future sessions. The original purpose of MySQL University sessions has been to cover some technical content on the internals of …

  • More MySQL UC 08 Videos

    Hopefully you can’t get enough of the UC08 videos (and thanks to Sheeri for the link with the full Jonathan keynote video), so Zack has managed to get some most posted. This morning, we learned what it meant to be a pirate in terms of patents, cop…

  • MySQL UC 08 Keynote Videos

    I’m pleased to say that I was able to see these in the flesh, but if you aren’t lucky enough to be here (or just want to watch them again), Zack has posted up videos on YouTube of the opening keynote presentations: MySQL Conference Keynote 2008 – …

  • Comparing 32-bit/64-bit MySQL on OpenSolaris

    I’ve been working with the folks working on OpenSolaris for a few months now providing advice and input on getting MySQL and the connectors (C/ODBC and C/J) installed as a standard component. Having got the basics in, the team are now looking at a…