Using alternative methods to manage and monitor your Unix Servers
I have for a long time been using a number of non-typical solutions for the management of my internal servers and, up until recently, those of my clients. I mentioned this in one of my first posts at Computerworld (RSS as and administration tool),…
System Administrators Toolkit: Managing NIS services for authorizations
Managing your authentication service across your network can be achieved in many different ways, but there is a solution that has been available for years that provides synchronized authentication service, and that was designed to work with the Ne…
System Administrators Toolkit: Backing up key information
Keeping a copy of the vital information that makes up your Unix environment could mean the difference between working again after a failure in hours compared to days. In the latest of my System Administrators Toolkit guide, I examine how best to i…
System Administrators Toolkit: Standardizing your UNIX command-line tools
The latest article in my System Administration Toolkit series at IBM developerWorks has been released. This article on ways of simplifying and standardizing your environment and command-line tools within a heterogeneous environment. As someone who…
System Administrators Toolkit: Migrating and moving UNIX directory trees
As an extension of the original filesystem piece, I’ve taken a closer look at the methods available for simply moving around directory trees on the Unix filesystem, including across a network. Occasionally, you need to copy around an entire UNIX d…
System Administrators Toolkit: Migrating and moving UNIX filesystems
I’ve had more than one occasion when I’ve had to move a live filesystem to a new partition or new disk, whether its because I’m short on space on the original partition or through disk failure. I’ve put put my experience of that into my latest dev…
Comparing traditional grids with high-performance computing
Traditionally, high performance computing was carried out by specialized hardware and software working together to produce a highly optimized environment. Grids are beginning to change that, by removing the need for the specialized elements while …
System Administrators Toolkit: Monitoring disk space and usage
The next article in the System Administrators Toolkit series, this time on monitoring disk space and disk usage by users, is available at IBM developerWorks. This one focuses on finding out your disk storage, where it is being used, finding out wh…
Perl/Eclipse tutorials picked for top 27
My Building Perl Applications and Debugging Perl Applications with Eclipse tutorials have been picked in a list of the top 27 Eclipse tutorials. You can see the full list here.
System Administrators Toolkit: Monitoring a slow system
When your Unix/Linux system starts going slowly, you need to find out why, and quickly, what is going on. That’s the focus of my new SAT piece: Monitoring a slow system. From the intro: When your UNIX system runs slow, it is vital that you discove…