Tag: commentary

  • Moving is not conducive to blogging

    Just in case you wonder why it’s been so quiet, I’ve just moved house, which means I’ve got a bunch of things to catch up on… Despite the fact that I went on holiday and moved house over the period of four weeks the articles and pieces just kept…

  • Google adds new transport method to Google Maps [Humour]

    OK, a quick little humourous item that can get to with Google maps: Go to maps.google.com Enter ‘New York’ Next to ‘Get Directions’ click ‘From here’ and type ‘London’ as your destination. Check out step 23 Alternatively, try this link. Or view th…

  • Bad database design at Oracle

    I was clearing out my email this morning and closing down some of the mailing lists and other elements that I don’t use, and removing others. I’ve been an Oracle OTN member for years, but no longer get as much out of it as I used to. I almost thou…

  • XBOX360 and XBOX games

    You know, I am consistently (and pleasantly) surprised at the compatibility of old XBOX games on the on the XBOX360. When you consider that the games are running and emulation (the platforms are completely different), the speed difference between …

  • What’s going on?

    Just in case you think I’ve forgotten about things, I haven’t, I’m just somewhat buried. What’s been happening? Well Busy New Year will explain part of it. On the Sun/Solaris front: Sun shipped me a new card to fit into the T1000 to get some bette…

  • Busy New Year

    Wow – if you hadn’t noticed, it’s been pretty quiet round here recently, and the reason is that things have simply been very busy. I’ve been churning out the IBM stuff (including some that hasn’t made it yet) – the main highlight is the big three-…

  • Planet MCslp RSS feed links

    I noticed today that the feed links on Planet MCslp were linked incorrectly to Coalface. This only affects the links that were provided in the panel – if you’ve subscribed by clicking on the Subscribe button in your browser, or just supplied the m…

  • T1000 CW Review makes Sun News Page

    My T1000 review at Computerworld has made it to the Sun News page. Cool!

  • T1000 ALOM rocks

    I love the Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) module in the T1000. The T1000 is kept downstairs, and the noise can be uncomfortable, but the ability to power up and down the T1000 remotely over the network makes using it and testing it so much …

  • Opening up comments (thanks Akismet)

    Just as with my other blogs, I had comments disabled on the site because I received a huge amount of comment spam. I’ve been running with Akismet now for months, so I’m going to open up the site for comments. You’re still going to need to register…