System Administrators Toolkit: Monitoring a slow system
When your Unix/Linux system starts going slowly, you need to find out why, and quickly, what is going on. That’s the focus of my new SAT piece: Monitoring a slow system. From the intro: When your UNIX system runs slow, it is vital that you discove…
MediaWiki Review
The latest in my reviews of hosting provider open source software is available at Free Software Magazine. You can read the full review here. Wikipedia is a Wiki – basically a information storage engine that works entirely through a web interface. …
Writing text parsers with yacc and lex
Lex and yacc are two tools that you may be aware of, but have maybe never used. They are key components to compilers, configuration tools and many different languages, where the ability to parse text and generate some other output (assembly code, …
Sun Ultra 3 Mobile Workstation review
My review of the Sun Ultra 3 Mobile Workstation had made it into Issue 11 of Free Software Magazine. Here’s a taster: Sun have made some headlines in recent months through the release of their Ultra 20 workstation and a number of new servers based…
Apache Session Management Within Dynamic Sites
As a follow on to an earlier piece about session management natively in Apache, I’ve written a follow up that looks more closely at the issue of developing sites that use cookies for ID and session management. In this article, I cover the mechanic…
Building a grid with web Services, Part 5
Part 5 of the Building a grid with Web services series is now available on the IBM developerWorks site. In this part we cover the management and flow of information and work through the grid. This is the part where movies submitted to the grid are…
StarOffice 8 Review – Office Killer?
LinuxPlanet have just recently published my very detailed StarOffice 8 review. To summarize, I like it, and with a few caveats, it gives Microsoft Office a run for its money. The article is spread over a number pages, with screenshots, a brief TOC…
System Administrators Toolkit: Process administration tricks
I’ve just started a new series at IBM developerWorks looking at UNIX related system administration tricks. The aim is to cover some generic tips and help on a particular area (for example, process administration), and not only handle the tricks on…
Debugging Perl in Eclipse with EPIC
Back in September 2005 I presented two sessions at EclipseWorld on EPIC. My first tutorial based on the topics and techniques covered in the first session was released in January, and now the followup, covering debugging Eclipse is available too. …
WordPress Review
My latest Free Software Magazine newsletter article is on WordPress – a package I use quite a lot for my own blogging. The article is part of the newsletter series on Hosting Service open source software. Read on for my thoughts on what makes Word…