Manage Eclipse projects with the JRequire plug-in
I used to do my requirements processing using Rational RequisitePro (see Improved application development: Part 1, Collating requirements for an application), but as an Eclipse user I’ve found an alternative in the form of the JRequire plug-in. To…
Develop with Java and PHP technology on AIX Version 5.3, Part 1: Setting up the Java environment
I’ve got a new series of articles and tutorials on how to develop an application using Java with a web interface using PHP. The eventual goal is to use the PHP/Java Bridge, but along the way we look at building the main application, redeploying it…
IBM developerWorks Podcast Interview
I’ve been interviewed for IBM’s developerWorks podcast, this time answering questions about my Designing a Scalable Grid series. Hear the podcast: IBM developerWorks : Blogs : developerWorks podcasts blog Read about Designing a Scalable Grid part …
Designing a Scalable Grid, part 2
The second part of the two part series on designing a scalable grid system is now available at developerWorks. This tutorial looks at the hardware of the individual nodes and then at operating system and application considerations. For example, I …
Design a scalable grid, Part 1: Network architecture
When you build a new grid one of the elements that will make your grid a success is to build one that scales, because if your grid scales well then it should be able to cope with a wide range of load types and situations. In this first part of a t…
Application virtualization, Part 3: Creating your virtualized application for the grid
The third and final part of my series on using virtualization techniques as an aid to grid enablement is now available on IBM developerWorks. The tutorial looks at the mechanics of actually turning your virtualized environment into an effective wa…
Application virtualization, Part 2: Level 2 — Understanding your virtualized environment
The second part of my in-depth look at the role of application virtualization techniques that can be used to develop, or adapt existing, applications for use within a grid environment. Part 2 looks at the second level of the virtualization process…
Systems Administration Toolkit: Get the most out of zsh
The latest article in my Systems Administration Toolkit series is available, this time looking at the zsh shell environment. Like the piece on bash which is also now available, I look at some of the history of zsh, the main features, and what make…
System Administration Toolkit: Get the most out of bash
Get the most out of bash is the article in the Systems Administration Toolkit series and it examines the features and utility of the bash shell. Ease your system administration tasks by taking advantage of key parts of the Bourne-again shell (bash…
System Administration Toolkit: Swap space management and tricks
In a new article in my System Administration Toolkit series I examine the role of swap space in your Unix /Linux system and how to configure and optimize your swap space usage. I also demonstrate a few tricks for helping you out when you run our o…