Dell: Solaris not a standard
Judy Chavis has stated that Dell won’t look at supporting, or providing, Solaris on their equipment until Solaris becomes the next industry standard OS – I quote from here: “Is it the next industry standard around operating systems? That’s what it…
One worker in one country
A recent article at CNN talks about how MySQL operates. As one of the MySQL team, I can attest that works, but it requires a significant amount of coordination, and lots of online communication through email, IRC, Skype and other methods to keep e…
GNU/Linux – Fad or Favoritism picked up by Linux Today
I’ve picked up bloggin at FSM again, and my first post has been picked up by LinuxToday already. I urge you to read the article, but the basis of my thoughts are whether my current Linux distribution choices are because they are better than my pre…
Memory stick returned!
Years ago, I got into the habit of travelling around with a USB memory stick, probably long before they became the fashion accessory they are now. It became invaluable for three reasons: I keep a copy of my current resume on the stick. If I meet s…
O’Reilly RSS Feeds getting annoying
For some strange reason at the moment, O’Reilly feeds are creating duplicates. It’s obviously deliberate, but I can’t see the logic behind the process. The main culprit (but not the only one) is a series on Refactoring (called Refactoring Everythi…
Perl Programming Bracket Breakdown
Working Daze have a cartoon that could have just been made for me today. I find coffee, or in preference, Dr Pepper, works much better, but still…
Office suites
Last month, my review of StarOffice 8 was published. It had a subtitle of “Office Killer? – Alternatives to Microsoft Office”. I’ve mentioned this before, and I’ve been giving the matter some more thought. I’m not entirely sure I agree with the ap…
Grid Meter mentions Grid/Web Services Series
Greg Nawrocki, over at Grid Meter, has mentioned the convergence of SOA (Service Oriented Architectures) and Grid technology, and points readers to my recent Building a Grid with Web Services series (which I wrote with Tyler Anderson). I agree 100…
TAB named in Top 10 Feeds of the Year
The Apple Blog – a blog where I post regularly, has been placed as one of the top 10 feeds of the year over at Feedster. Better still, the screen shot composite of past posts included on the info page for TAB includes two of my posts! 🙂
Cheffy goes live!
Over the years many of you will have heard me mention things like Foodware, Cheffy and Foodies. All names for essentially the same thing, a recipe site that does more than just provide you with a simple way of finding recipes. Today, 18th December…