Systems Administration Toolkit: Using SNMP data
A new article on consuming and using the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) data that is published and provided by different devices is now available: The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is built in to many devices, but often the …
Systems Administration Toolkit: Understanding DNS
A new article on understanding the Domain Name System (DNS) is now available: The Domain Name System (DNS) is the service that converts hostnames and domain details into the IP addresses required for application to communicate. Under UNIX, the pri…
Systems Administration Toolkit: Log file basics
A new article on some basic log file information and maintenance is available: A typical UNIX or Linux machine creates many log files during the course of its operation. Some of these contain useful information; others can be used to help you with…
Voice enabling XML
There’s an overview page for my recent VoiceXML series available at Voice enabling XML. I’ve got some of these coming up, and I’m going to try and make these services available permanently through a Skype or US voice number, and I might back track…
Aperi Discovery and Probe Videocast
As a follow up to my first introductory video on using Aperi, I now have a follow-up videocast on how to add storage systems to your Aperi installation. The process is two-stage, first you have to run a discovery process (to find the devices) and …
Systems Administration Toolkit: Network scanning
A new article on scanning your network for information, both in a general device/service level and at a more detailed data level is now available. Discover how to scan your network for services and how to regularly monitor your services to keep up…
Aperi Download and Install Videocast
Aperi is an open source storage management framework that provides you with a single interface to managing all of your different storage solutions. You can get more information from the Aperi Homepage. The Aperi application is based on Eclipse, an…
Systems Administration Toolkit: Testing system validity
I recently had a hacking attempt on my machine, perpetrated by somebody noticing the open SSH port and trying every possible user/password and combination trick to try and get in. They didn’t succeed, and I only know that because I was able to che…
Develop with Java and PHP technology on AIX Version 5.3, Part 6: Building the Java business application
The final part of the PHP/Java series is now available. This last part of the series covers the modification of our original application so that it employs the PHP/Java bridge as the interface between the core Java application and PHP. A detailed …
Systems Administration Toolkit: Monitoring mail usage
Keeping an eye on your mail system is about more than making sure the mail gets through. You should also be thinking about spam statistics, usage of the mail system by users and whether users are really getting the best out of the systems that the…