Busy New Year

Wow – if you hadn’t noticed, it’s been pretty quiet round here recently, and the reason is that things have simply been very busy. I’ve been churning out the IBM stuff (including some that hasn’t made it yet) – the main highlight is the big three-part tutorial series on using Application Virtualization as a grid-enabling solution (start with Application virtualization, Part 1: Level 1 – Abstracting your grid infrastructure). Part 3 should be coming out soon. Also, things at MySQL are hectic – probably as best evidenced by posts like Slashdot | MySQL Falcon Storage Engine Open Sourced. One of the links embedded in there is the documentation on Falcon – written by yours truly – and accessible directly in the documentation The Falcon Storage Engine.At the moment, I’m mostly working on Replication, some improvements to the APIs section (and some further updates for Connectors, now that C/ODBC 5 is on the way). Hopefully things wont be as busy though; there’s a bunch of stuff to follow up on here.
